Storitve → Montažni kompleti
Stafa dobavlja popolne, za uporabo pripravljene (montažne) komplete. Natančni sistemi za merjenje in tehtanje zagotavljajo pravilno sestavo vsakega kompleta, medtem ko (pol)avtomatski stroji za pakiranje učinkovito izvedejo vsako naročilo.
Stafa is more than just a specialist in fasteners and specials. Our services are also aimed at customised assembly. Based on your specifications, Stafa can provide you customised assembly kits. This increases the efficiency of your operational and administrative processes.
Stafa supplies end users with complete kits, including assembly kits, with fasteners, specials, metal parts and components from other industries. Inhouse assembly means you can benefit even more from our expertise. Highly accurate measuring and weighing systems are linked to our fully- and semi-automatic packaging machines. This enables us to guarantee that each set includes all the components that need to be in it.
At Stafa, you purchase a set that includes the components, under a single article number. This avoids unnecessary overhead and prevents higher processing costs. Which, in turn, gives transparency in the cost price of the end product. Stafa provides a wide variety of packaging solutions and logistical services, taking care of every aspect for you. We’re a one-stop shop, with endless possibilities.
By outsourcing packaging/kitting, you create added value for your product. You have more time to focus on your core business. You also benefit from our process optimisation, which can provide considerable savings, both financially and from an operations perspective. The result: an optimised supply chain with fewer suppliers; a lower Total Cost of Ownership; better availability; and less demand on your capital.
Vas zanima kaj lahko STAFA stori za vašo organizacijo? Z veseljem vam bom pomagal.
Matjaž Gustinčič
Stafa d.o.o.