Storitve → Specialni izdelki
Ali standardni izdelki ne zadovoljujejo vaših zahtev? Potrebujete posebno komponento? Če je tako, se odločite za izdelke po načrtu. Podjetje Stafa bo z vami delilo ideje o svoji zasnovi, materialih in postopku. Z našim tehničnim znanjem in izkušnjami nobena podrobnost ne bo ušla pozornosti. Izkusite moč izkušenj.
You have a demand for custom made components? Stafa works closely with carefully selected partners to provide you these parts. From turned parts to wire products, from technical springs to extrusion profiles, from sheet metal parts to welded (sub) assemblies. Discover the strength of collaboration.
Stafa translates a technical drawing into a technical solution, taking care of the entire process to produce the high-quality parts you are looking for. Our people have the technical expertise to advise you on materials and have knowledge of processing possibilities. Their advice is based on experience, creating the right balance between efficiency and your requirements. Your parts are produced by carefully selected and reliable partners in Southern and Eastern Europe, and Asia. Possibilities include the following:
Stafa provides turned parts made of all common steel alloys, stainless steel, brass or aluminium. Base material up to 60 mm and length up to 600 mm can be processed to your specifications. Stafa also offers the possibility to hold your parts on stock. For you this means that orders are available on demand, ensuring short delivery times.
Based on your drawings and specifications, Stafa can supply compression springs, tension springs and wire products (diameter 0.5 – 30 mm). Base material can be: steel, stainless steel, copper and aluminium.
Stafa provides custom-made sheet metal components. Sheet metal components from all common steel alloys up to a thickness of 10 mm are possible. All production processes are available. Laser cutting, stamping, punching, sawing, bending, welding and tapping. On request, we can supply parts with an electrolytic- or hot dip galvanized layer or powder coating. We can provide you with small, in-house assemblies.
Stafa is the ideal partner if you’re looking for specific milled parts based on an aluminium extrusion profile. We can produce a complete product: starting with the production of the extrusion die and the extrusion profiles, to complete milled parts. A variety of surface treatments is possible, such as (hard) anodising and powder coating.
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Matjaž Gustinčič
Stafa d.o.o.